2009. 09. 21 : For the 2071th anniversary of Augustus’ birth, see on “More analyses” a new evidence of “his good feelings” towards Virgil. Have a joyful reading !
2009. 09. 21 : Although it’s generally admitted that Virgil died on the 21th of September –19, the possibility that it was on the 22th of September (Donatus auctus) cannot be ruled out. By a strange coincidence, it would have been just the day before Augustus’ birthday : see Hor. Epist. 1 . 5 (Bibliography, item n° 35, pp. 162 ff.).
2009. 09. 21 : Today is a sad anniversary : 2027 years ago Virgil died in shady circumstances. “Hod took the mistletoe and aimed at Balder as directed by Loki. The dart went right through him, and he fell dead to the ground. This was the greatest misfortune ever to befall gods and men.”, The Death of Balder , from The Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson.
2009. 09. 10 : Is the prologue of Hor., Sat. 1. 10 really spurious ? Today online (on “More articles”). Have a pleasant reading.
2009. 09. 10 : Is the prologue of Hor., Sat. 1. 10 really spurious ? Today online (on “More articles”). Have a pleasant reading.
2009.08.24 An allusion to Virgil’s murder in Ov., Amor. II, 16 ? See http://golden-age.over-blog.com/article-35213648.html
2009.08.21 Today online : "Why Tomis ?" Have a pleasant reading !
2009.07.27 Today online (see "More analyses") : ABOLERE SYCHAEUM (Virg., Aen. I, 670) ? You can react on the Forum.